Turkey Takes a Giant Leap Towards Sustainability with Nationwide Bottle Deposit Return Scheme

Turkey to launch a Deposit Return System

In a historic move that solidifies Turkey's commitment to environmental protection, the country's government has announced plans to implement a nationwide bottle deposit return scheme by the year 2023. This bold initiative, spearheaded by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, aims to revolutionize the way Turkish citizens consume and dispose of plastic bottles and aluminum cans, paving the way for a greener, more sustainable future.

At the core of this groundbreaking program are the introduction of reverse vending machines – a technology that has proven successful in various countries around the world, but has yet to be widely adopted in Turkey until now. These state-of-the-art machines will allow consumers to conveniently return their used drink containers in exchange for a small monetary reward, providing a tangible incentive for responsible recycling.

Reverse Vending Machines

The reverse vending machine system will work as follows: when a consumer deposits a 0.33-liter plastic bottle, they will receive 2 kuruş (roughly $0.03 USD) in return. For a 0.5-liter aluminum can, the refund will be 9 kuruş ($0.12 USD). This small but meaningful compensation is expected to have a significant impact on consumer behavior, encouraging individuals to actively seek out these reverse vending machines and divert millions of bottles and cans away from landfills and waterways.

The potential environmental benefits of this program are staggering. According to government estimates, the bottle deposit return scheme has the power to save Turkey a staggering 20 billion Turkish Lira (over $2.5 billion USD) and create 100,000 new green jobs by the year 2023, all while drastically reducing the country's plastic waste footprint. This aligns perfectly with Turkey's ambitious "Zero Waste" national strategy, which aims to transform the nation into a model of sustainability and resource efficiency.

The first phase of the reverse vending machine rollout has already begun in Istanbul, with the inaugural machine installed at the İTÜ-Ayazağa metro station. Commuters can now easily top up their Istanbul transportation cards by depositing their empty bottles and cans into the machine, making the recycling process seamless and convenient. This pilot program is just the beginning, as the government plans to rapidly expand the network of reverse vending machines across the country's major cities and municipalities in the coming years.


Turkey's embrace of this bottle deposit return initiative represents a bold and visionary step towards a more circular economy. By empowering consumers to take an active role in the recycling process, the country is setting an example for the rest of the world on how to tackle the growing global issue of plastic pollution. The implementation of reverse vending machines will not only clean up Turkey's streets and waterways, but also create new economic opportunities, foster a sense of environmental stewardship among the public, and solidify the nation's reputation as a sustainability trailblazer.

As this transformative program continues to unfold over the next few years, it will be captivating to witness the far-reaching impact it has on waste reduction, resource conservation, and the overall environmental well-being of Turkey. This bold initiative stands as a shining beacon of hope, demonstrating that with innovative solutions and collective action, even the most daunting sustainability challenges can be overcome.

UK to launch DRS in October 2027
Deposit Return Scheme in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland